Inside of China

Cooperative Project with Harbin Sports Science Institute (哈尔滨市体育科学研究所合作项目)

Project Name: Snowboard Halfpipe Summer Training Base

Finish Date: September 2012


In 2012, our client Harbin Sports Science Institute reached out to us and invited us to join their study that is of building up a summer training base for halfpipe snowboarding by using our dry ski mats aiming to resolve the lack of training hours and snowboarding training heavily relying on weather conditions.

Harbin Sports Science Institute provided the venue and covered the cost of the material. We transported 270㎡ dry ski mats all the way from Chengdu to Harbin and built up the halfpipe for our client.

When this snowboard halfpipe was completed, they had snowboarding athletes test on it and the feedback was positive. All the data and research results will be collected and used for the development of halfpipe snowboarding. We are truly honored to be part of this meaningful project and to contributed to the winter sports development in our country.


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